![Tips On Talking To Girls - New York Post](https://i0.wp.com/i.ytimg.com/vi/BsBzMj9WI9s/hqdefault.jpg?resize=1280%2C720&quality=94&strip=info&ulb=true&ssl=1)
Alec Greven, nine year old author of wrote ‘How to Talk to Girls,’ tells the Post about his book and also gives few pointers. http://video.nypost.com
Ο Alec Grecen, ο εννιάχρονος συγγραφέας του βιβλίου ‘Πώς Πρέπει να Μιλάς στα Κορίτσια’, μιλάει στη New York Post για το βιβλίο του και δίνει συμβουλές.
Author: NYPost
Keywords: Girls Alec Greven Talk book PostVidUs how to talk girls 9-year-old new york post nypost.com
Added: December 2, 2008